Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) is a Canadian immigration program designed to help employers in Atlantic Canada fill labour shortages by recruiting and retaining foreign workers. The program is a partnership between the federal government and the four Atlantic provinces: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.

Under the AIPP, employers in Atlantic Canada can hire foreign workers for jobs that they have been unable to fill with Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Candidates who are hired under the AIPP can apply for permanent residency in Canada. To be eligible for the program, candidates must have a job offer from a designated employer in Atlantic Canada, as well as meet the program’s eligibility criteria, which includes language proficiency, education, and work experience requirements.

The AIPP is a great option for foreign workers who are interested in living and working in Atlantic Canada. The program provides a streamlined path to permanent residency and allows candidates to gain valuable work experience in a vibrant and diverse region of Canada. It also provides an opportunity for employers in Atlantic Canada to recruit the talent they need to grow their businesses and contribute to the local economy.

If you’re interested in applying for the AIPP, we can help. Our team of experienced immigration consultants can guide you through the application process, helping you maximize your chances of success. Contact us today to learn more about the AIPP and how we can help you achieve your immigration goals.

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